The ‘best bits’ from years within the industry,

The ability to speak on a range of topics is one thing, however, the skill to educate a crowd and pass on applicable and transferable knowledge is another. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking internationally and demonstrating this skill for clients like JP Mogan & Chase, World Gym and the University of Baltimore. Words on a page are terrific, but sometimes you have to hear it straight from the source.

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For hosts, promoters, and event planners--get in touch!

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Lectures, story-telling, and Q&A’s are the basics of any presentation, however, the most engaging presenters work alongside the event organizers and even the audience--to go above and beyond a cookie-cutter slideshow. Working in the industry, at any level, is full of opportunities to grow and further develop your skills. Unfortunately, if you’re not seeking out the lessons in these experiences, they’ll blissfully pass you by. Fortunately, I’ve made more than a few mistakes during my time developing rivyl into a branding & marketing juggernaut, and I’ve recontextualized those errors into lessons that every business owner should know about. I’ve been fortunate enough to present at venues around the world such as Frontrow 2020 and 2021, California Intercontinental University, and Awwwards. 

Although I’m more than happy to develop my speech tailored to the event, I’m always open to speaking on whatever specifics the crowd calls for, such as how I grew my Instagram account from 0 to 60,000 organic followers with no paid ads in 6 months, to how I navigate the branding world as a business owner while also starting a family ?.

Speaking Inquiry

I'd love to come to speak at your next event! I am happy to provide lecture ideas or to prepare something specific to your needs and audience. Drop me a line and let's get a conversation started.

Please complete the form below and let me know about your venue.

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